S I N N E R S 

"Pain becomes pleasure. And this one made me moan"

Taking as reference actual and historical texts and blending them in a one dramaturgy line, Sinners becomes a radiography of elder and actual societies.

Dance, music and projections, all hand made by Miquel G. Font, who performs genuinely himself this one hour solo, blend into a message based on historical and actual facts. Stereotypes, expectations,  pre-judgements and bullying are the ingredients of this intense meal in which no one will end up "safe" since the performance ends up on depending on the audience who are continuously following instructions during the whole event.

Directed by Miquel G. Font
Choreography and original music: Miquel G. Font
Texts: Santa Teresa de Jesús, Br. Stephen of Taizé & Miquel G. Font
Voices: Irene Mac Dougall, Nico Amenduni, Daphne van Dooren
Dancers: Miquel G. Font
Direction assistant: Jori Kerremans & Michellangelo Hooi
Light & Sound: Ferry van Dijk


Graphic Design & Projections: Miquel G. Font
Pictures: Michellangelo Hooi
Video edition: Miquel G. Font
Collaborators: Scapino Ballet Rotterdam, Circusstudio Rotterdam, Worm Rotterdam
Production: Habemus Corpus
Premiere: November 2019 - UBIK / Worm Rotterdam