


When a classic becomes a mirror of the current situation.
When anyone can be manipulated by unreal desires.
When reality becomes fiction.

This ballet, considered a dramatic comedy, shows how the group of PAR en Dansa's dancers defend an updated version of the classic. Miquel G. Font is the one who designed the mirror in which he shows how the classic story of that man who falls in love with a realistic doll is reflected in the actual situation through social media. The blending of a good dose of black humor and clear messages which anyone can feel identified with together with high choreographical level, with the precision required by his work G. Font presents a fresh renewal of the typical internal hierarchy of classic productions such as roles, genres or main characters, with a global aesthetic between realistic and conceptual.

The choreographer went to the essence of the message (of the piece) and considered that this plan of reality/fiction in friendship and love relationships have correspondence today in social networks [...] like Tinder or others and that its users get in touch without knowing for sure who their interlocutor is. [...] PAR executed this reality and fiction, bold, with a very good note, especially in the more conceptual fragment where the dance is more free, with very energetic and rhythmic movements, and expressing the affinity and rejection towards The other.


Mercè Boladeras - Diari de Terrassa 

"... this proposal by Font that seemed to be daring, risky and, in any case, innovative, which is no small merit because expresses the firm desire to renew an art that is sometimes too repetitive and excessively attached to tradition."

Pablo - Ignacio de Salmases -

Both the staging, the costumes and the choreographies, by Miquel G.Font, have broken with the traditional things that we are used to in classical dance repertoires, and have taken us to a modern stage, and with a groundbreaking classical style, that without losing the magic of classical dance has brought us renewed and new airs.

Marta Biet  - Mon Terrassa

Choreography and Dramaturgy by Miquel G. Font
Music: Leo Délibes
Costume design: Marta Muiños
Stage and Light Design: Miquel G. Font
Dancers: PAR en Dansa 2020/21
Production: Factoria Cultural Terrassa
Pictures by Par en Dansa
Video Editing: Habemus Corpus - Miquel G. Font
Duration: 70 min no pause
Premiere: April 2021 - La Fact Terrassa