coproduced by Grec 2017 - Festival de Barcelona
Wondering about the concept of Death
The meaning it could have
What comes after?
Is there any continuation?
What is in between the end and the new beginning?
These are the starting points overall concepts of AIRE, considering “Death” as an extreme status that obliges you to take decisions in order to go on.
With a very detailed esthetic design, fluid electronic and sacral live music and a high, raw and precise choreography, AIRE is a piece that seeks for the communion between emotional beauty and very clean images creating wonderings and doubts concerning the treated subject.
Coproduced by Festival Grec Barcelona 2017 and Instituto Euripeo di design, Aire is a 70 minutes trip premiered at the theater Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona wich makes anyone feel directly or indirectly identified with any statement in which any of the character is during this passing through the Limbo.
Miquel G. Font is the choreographer of the real facts. [...] What way those experiences impact on the present is probably the authentic research of this creator. [...] It is a multiplying sum, with spectacular images as a result: on one hand there is the variety of the gesture; on the other, the unknown experience of what they want to portray. In between one spectrum and the other, as an unappealable reality as it is, we realize we are in front of a creation that tells more about the future than the past that the piece draws. Aire is an unlatching sample in which Miquel G. Font, as a director, outlines the best way in his works: a choreographic aptitude served as it was a complex and unusual mechanism of memory.
Jordi Sora - Escena de la memòria
Eight dancers, a choir on stage, four soloists singers and a video that takes quiet a lot of importance. [...] It is well relevant to have created such a big format show like this one and to have achieved the whole large team defend it, without excuses or subterfuges. I am certain that Miquel G. Font has still a lot to say in the contemporary dance field in this country.
Carles Armengol Guili - Teatre Barcelona
Miquel G. Font is an inexhaustible source of ideas that go on stage with dance and often with other elements becoming a big installation [...] in this work he has processed personal experiences within the show and manages to transmit them to a very large team. [...] The choreography has precious moments, such as the ending, in which singing and dancing are in total communion. [...] With so many elements it is quite suggestive and it finds elements to attract the most diverse audience attention.
Jordi Bordes - Recomana.cat
World Premiere: July 2017 - Mercat de les Flors Sala Maria Aurelia Capmany
Original Idea and direction: Miquel G. Font
Dramaturgie: Marc Chornet
Choreography and music composition: Miquel G. Font
Dancers: Georgina Avilés Sarrias, Emmanel Dobby, Maya Gómez, Justyna Kalbarczyk, Jori Kerremans, Nimrod Poles, Tiemen Stemerding i Laia Vancells Pi.
Guest Actor: Jaume Madaula.
Live music: Cor Ciutat de Mataró
Soloists singers: Flàvia Camacho, Albert Baena, Daniel Cardenal, Albert Cabero.
Choreography assistant: Emmanuel Dobby
Castumes: Institut Europeu de Disseny
Stage and Light Dessign: Miquel G. Font and Pol Queralt
Technic head: Pol Queralt
Costumes: Instituto Europeo di Design, Barcelona
Production: Habemus Corpus
Coproduction: Grec 2017 Festival de Barcelona
Production asistant: Georgina Avilés
Executive Production: Maria G. Rovelló
Duration: 70 minutes
Premiere: July 2017, Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona.